Friday, July 26, 2024
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Dublin, May 23 (Prensa Latina) Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris spoke, on telephone, with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas about the humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip and the prospects for lasting peace.
Dublin, Aug 3 (Prensa Latina) Ireland does not intend to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and follow the example of Sweden and Finland, Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said in an interview on local television on Thursday.
Dublin, Sep 25 (Prensa Latina) The movement of solidarity with Cuba in Northern Ireland celebrated the 62nd anniversary of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), Cuba's largest mass organization, diplomatic sources reported on Sunday.
Dublin, May 13 (Prensa Latina) Irish MP Thomas Pringle has sent his condolences to the families of the victims of the accidental explosion at the Saratoga Hotel in Havana last week, Cuban diplomatic sources reported on Friday.
London, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) The British government today advocated rewriting the post-Brexit agreement for Northern Ireland with the European Union (EU), considering that the current terms represent an enormous burden for that province of the United Kingdom.
London, May 18 (Prensa Latina) The British government accused the European Union (EU) of breaching the Protocol designed to avoid a physical border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland after Brexit.