Sunday, June 02, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Argentineans and Cubans recall Ernesto Guevara on 94th birthday

Buenos Aires, Jun 14 (Prensa Latina) Argentinians and Cubans recall guerrilla and revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967), whose 94th birthday is being celebrated on Tuesday.

In Rosario, the city where Che was born, members of social organizations and diplomats from Cuba will participate in a ceremony in his honor to be held at the National Flag Monument.

They will also pay tribute to the banners of Argentina and Cuba, nations united by Che and by a long history of solidarity.

On Monday, groups of this country and representatives of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, highlighted in this territory the legacy of the Heroic Guerrilla fighter and advocated for the Latin American unity.

Convened by the Multisectoral Solidarity with Cuba and the Greater Homeland (Latin America), the event gathered members of the Evita Movement, the Sole Union of Chemical and Petrochemical Workers, the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights and the Communist Party (Extraordinary Congress), among others.

During the evening, Cuban Ambassador in Argentina, Pedro Pablo Prada, pointed out that celebrating Che’s life and work is an obligation, not only of revolutionaries, but also of all those who believe that a better world is possible and see humanity as their homeland.
