Sunday, June 02, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Fires continue in Chile

Santiago de Chile, Feb 19 (Prensa Latina) The National Disaster Prevention and Response Service of Chile ordered the evacuation of areas in the region of La Araucanía due to forest fires that threaten urban areas.

The sectors concerned are San Luis, La Colonia and Chavol 2, in the commune of Victoria, and Ipinco, in Purén.

The authorities declared a red alert in both municipalities, where firefighters, supported by brigadiers, technicians, four airplanes and two helicopters, are struggling to control the flames.

Meanwhile, in the region of Valparaíso, debris collection efforts continue in the municipalities of Viña del Mar, Quilpué, Villa Alemana and Limache, which were affected at the beginning of the month by the worst fires in the country in several decades.

This disaster left a toll of more than 130 dead and some seven thousand homes destroyed, as well as damage to industrial zones and small businesses.

The center-south of Chile is affected every summer by fires and, according to the National Forestry Corporation, more than 99% of them are caused by human action, either by negligence in the handling of heat sources, agricultural practices or intentionality.

Other factors such as extreme drought, increased heat (up to 40 degrees Celsius), winds and pine and eucalyptus plantations, which are highly flammable, influence their propagation and intensity.
