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France backs up proposal on peace in Gaza

Paris, Jun 1 (Prensa Latina) French President Emmanuel Macron backed up on Saturday the peace agreement promoted by his US counterpart Joe Biden for the Gaza Strip, and urged to work on the two-State solution.

The war must stop, we support the US proposal for a comprehensive agreement, the French president posted in reaction to Biden’s announcement on Friday, an initiative that seeks to halt the clashes between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas resistance group.

According to Washington, which urged Hamas to accept it, the Israeli proposal includes a six-week cease-fire, with the withdrawal of the Israeli army from populated areas of the Strip, surged humanitarian aid and the release of hostages held by Hamas in an exchange for Palestinian prisoners.

The pact would lead to a permanent cessation of hostilities and a future reconstruction of Gaza, devastated by almost eight months of Israeli aggression.

Concerning the agreement, Macron assured that France is working with partners in the Middle East to achieve peace and security for all, a lasting ceasefire and progress towards the two-State solution.

Israel’s recent crimes in Rafah have soared international pressure to end the conflict, in which the Palestinian population is bearing the brunt, with over 30,000 fatalities and an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.

Among the reactions to what is happening in Gaza are the recognition of the Palestinian State by several European countries and the calls for others to do so.

Macron said he is open to that possibility, although Paris argues that not all the conditions are in place, including the Palestinian National Authority exercising control of Gaza, where Hamas prevails.
