Sunday, June 02, 2024
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Russian troops take Ukrainian strongholds in Zaporozhie

Moscow, Mar 2 (Prensa Latina) Russian paratroopers of the Novorossiysk and Stavropol units took strongholds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Verbovoy in the Zaporozhie sector, the Russian Defense Ministry reported Saturday.

The paratroopers were supported by airstrike during the assault, and after the enemy positions surrendered, they took several Ukrainian soldiers, the defense ministry said on its official website.

According to a report, the Defense Ministry specified that Russian troops approached the defensive positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, shelled some shelters with hand fragmentation grenades, where fighters were hiding and ended up occupying the positions.

The Defense Minsitry also claimed that the Ukrainian army was unable to fight a serious battle. It is known that several Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers were taken and those who offered resistance were killed during the attack.

Earlier, the Zaporozhie Governor Evgueni Balitsky stated that Russian troops have a clear artillery advantage in the region and the enemy cannot respond.
