Sunday, June 02, 2024
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Cuban Government checks implementation of economic measures

Havana, March 5 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban government urged the nation's business sector to raise demands in the implementation of measures to correct distortions and boost the national economy, media outlets published today.

According to a report on the midday news program on Cuban television, the meeting headed by President Miguel Díaz-Canel and directed by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero reviewed the behavior of the economy at the end of January 2024.

In this regard, the Minister of Economy and Planning (MEP) Joaquín Alonso pointed out the persistence of non-compliance in food production, the export of goods and services, and total income.

Likewise, the head of the MEP highlighted the growth of the tourism sector, which shows growth in its activity in relation to 2023, and pointed out that fuel limitations signify the deficit in generation capacity.

The government entity called for increasing rigour in each business entity to comply with the planned economic plan, despite the complex scenario of the country and the world.

In this sense, the head of Government recalled that each economic actor had to foresee the possible solutions to the objective problems, derived from the tightening of the United States blockade against the Caribbean island.

The meeting evaluated issues such as the resizing of the exchange market, the recovery of remittance flows and the new mechanism to manage and allocate liquidity for all economic actors.

Marrero Cruz confirmed that the planned government measures will be applied at the appropriate time, in accordance with the creation of conditions in the country.

He reiterated the need to address the concerns of the population with decisions that fundamentally imply increases in prices and transportation rates.

He indicated adopting the coercive measures provided for in the law with violators of fares for passenger transportation in the state and private sectors.

The Council of Ministers, corresponding to the month of February, approved the Domestic Trade policy proposals, the preliminary draft of the decree law on international commercial arbitration and mediation, the policy and decree Law on Transparency and access to information and the Report on experiences and effectiveness of the transformations of the Science, Technology and Innovation system.
