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Peru finalizes negotiations for the supply of Sputnik V vaccine

Lima, Apr 3 (Prensa Latina) Negotiations for the acquisition of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V against Covid-19 are about to be finalized, Peruvian Health Minister, Oscar Ugarte, announced on Sunday.

Talks with the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which represents the Gamaleya laboratory, for the purchase of a batch of the antidote are ‘about to be completed and the respective contract will be signed,’ said the minister, adding that the supplier is in a position to offer 20 million doses.

After an inspection at the beginning of the vaccination of firefighters, he indicated that the registration process of the vaccine is underway by the National Center for the Supply of Strategic Health Resources (Cenares).

‘We hope that in a short time, once the process is completed, we will be able to inform when the vaccines will start arriving. We announce that they have offered 20 million doses’ that would arrive progressively in quantities to be confirmed.

Recently, Prime Minister Violeta Bermudez informed that an important batch of Sputnik V vaccines would arrive in the first semester of this year.

Peru has acquired one million doses from the Chinese laboratory Sinoharm and has another two million doses pending, within the framework of a 38 million supply agreement, and has also received smaller shipments of the antidotes from AstraZeneca of the United Kingdom and Pfizer of the United States.
