Friday, July 26, 2024
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Cuba provinces participate in global caravan against US blockade

Cuba, EEUU, bloqueo, tuitazo
Havana, Apr 25 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban provinces of Las Tunas (east) and Villa Clara (center) will participate on Sunday in the global caravan against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba.

According to the call, as of 10:00 hours, local time, and in strict compliance with health measures to prevent Covid-19, people in those territories will tour the main streets on bicycles, skates and motorcycles.

The Cuban family on march ‘against the longest genocidal blockade in history that seeks to surrender an entire people by hunger and needs,’ Diosvany Acosta, first secretary of the Cuban Young Communist League (UJC), posted on his Twitter account.

Also on unday, the youth organization launched a world message action on Twitter ‘to denounce together the consequences of this hostile policy,’ using the hatchtags #Cuba, #NoMasBloqueo, #TuEresElPresente and #EliminaElBloqueo.

In the context of the ‘Bridges of Love’ global caravan, emigrants and associations of Cuban residents in different regions, parliamentarians, academics, artists and graduates in Cuba decided to attend public places to condemn US hostility.
