Friday, July 26, 2024
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New political crisis breaks out in Peru

Lima, Jul 7 (Prensa Latina) A new crisis on Wednesday broke out in Peruvian politics when the unpopular Parliament refused to abide by the judicial order to suspend the hasty appointment of new judges to the Constitutional Tribunal (TC).

The Legislative plenary made up of the conservative majority invoked its autonomy to dismiss the decision of constitutional judge Soledad Blacido, in an agitated session in which she was accused of violating legislative privileges, and threatened to file criminal charges.

The judge accepted a precautionary measure filed by a jurist, and considered valid his argument that the nomination process did not comply with the regulatory requirement of publishing the reasons for the votes of the congresspersons who nominated the 15 candidates competing for six positions in the TC.

The president of Congress, Mirtha Vasquez, who left the leadership of the debate to state her position from her seat, said that parliamentary autonomy must be defended but without disrespecting the court order, because such an attitude violates the rule of law.

Most of the jurists consulted by the press pointed out that the judicial decision is valid, since it refers to the non-compliance with the regulations of the Congress itself, and warned that its contempt will determine that the appointments will be null and void.

Meanwhile, progressive parliamentarian Lenin Checco denounced that the hasty designation seeks to have a TC integrated by jurists of conservative positions to use the court to block the measures of change projected by the virtual President Elect Pedro Castillo.
