Saturday, September 14, 2024
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Covid-19 speeds up Alzheimer’s-like symptoms

Geneva, Aug 3 (Prensa Latina) Scientists assured that suffering from Covid-19 speeds up Alzheirmer's-like symptoms, a specialized source reported.

Many people with Covid-19 experience short- and long-term neuropsychiatric symptoms, including loss of taste and smell, and persistent cognitive and attention deficits and care, knows as brain frog.

Experts who attended the International Conference of the Alzheimer’s Association -in a virtual way- said that thanks to studies conducted, a considerable number of older adults frequently suffer persistent cognitive impairment.

Other key findings by the consortium suggest that biological markers of brain injury, neuroinflammation and Alzheimer’s correlate strongly with the presence of neurological symptoms in Covid-19 patient.

Individuals experiencing cognitive decline post-Covid-19 infection were more likely to have low blood oxygen following brief physical exertion as well as poor overall physical condition, the researchers said

More than half showed persistent problems with forgetfulness, and roughly one in four had additional problems with cognition including language and executive dysfunction, the researchers stated.

pgh/Pll/oda / joe