Friday, September 20, 2024
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Cuba boosts teleworking and telecommuting modalities

Havana, Aug 4 (Prensa Latina) Transformations triggered by Covid-19 to the labor sector in Cuba favored the development of teleworking and telecommuting, modalities that nowadays reach some 411,098 workers.

Of that figure, some 22,204 exercise their functions from teleworking, a form that requires the creation of conditions for the use of technology and connectivity, while telecommuting requires the preparation of heads, and employees’ attendance to the center, to deliver the results of their work.

Ingrid Travieso, director of Employment of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS), explained so to Granma newspaper, adding that experiences vary from one province to another.

In order to foster those modalities, a decision of the Cuban State supported by the Labor Code, the MTSS is analyzing the posts that can be incorporated to the distance modality, she noted.

A regulation to organize its use is being drafted, based on the outcomes of a joint study by the Psychology School of the University of Havana, and the MTSS.
