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Cuba reiterates zero tolerance policy on modern slavery

Geneva, Sep 17 (Prensa Latina) Cuba on Friday reiterated zero tolerance policy on modern forms of slavery, including human trafficking, and urged to strengthen actions to protect the victims of these crimes.

Speaking at the 48th session of the Human Rights Council, Cuba’s permanent representative at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Juan Antonio Quintanilla, assured that his country works to prevent and confront t these crimes and cooperates with international organizations to prevent them.

In addition, Cuba provides care and security to those affected, he noted.

The diplomat said that Cuba collaborates and maintains timely exchanges of information with institutions such as the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), the UN system and authorities from other nations.

He pointed out that Cuba maintains relations of cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in order to guarantee respect for the rights of those who arrive in the country after shipwrecks while en route to Florida, the United States.

Cuba also has close ties with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and provides protection to the undocumented people on its territory.

On the other hand, Cuba implements policies and regulations that effectively eliminate the risk of statelessness for people born in Cuba, as well as for nationals who reside abroad, he concluded.
