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UNHCR warns about impact of pandemic on migrants

Geneva, Sep 17 (Prensa Latina) The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) warned on Friday about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on displaced and stateless people, and requested support from the international community.

In statements to the press, the UNHCR head of Public Health, Ann Burton, said that the current health situation not only represents a risk for the physical and emotional condition of people, but also affects their economic and social life.

She explained that, although all citizens suffer from the consequences of the pandemic, migrants are in a more vulnerable situation and are often excluded from state programs to deal with the crisis.

Burton expressed concern about the limited employment opportunities for these people, the lack of access to education for children and the unequal distribution of vaccines against Covid-19 in the world.

Faced with such a situation, she considered necessary to increase donations for initiatives to support the undocumented people and the victims of forced displacement.

To date, the UNHCR has received only one-third of the 924 million dollars required to deal with this situation, which affects the organization’s ability to protect the most vulnerable people, she said.
