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Brazilian Attorney General’s Office defends probe against Bolsonaro

Brasil, fiscalía general, Bolsonaro, investigación
Brasilia, Feb 1 (Prensa Latina) The Brazilian Attorney General's Office defended a judicial probe launched in 2021 into President Jair Bolsonaro for leaking a confidential investigation, a local newspaper reported on Tuesday.

The Supreme Federal Court (STF) opened in August the inquiry that denounces the president for revealing through the press details about a 2018 hacker attack on the Superior Electoral Court, Correio Braziliense added.

A recommendation to continue the probe against Bolsonaro was expressed by Attorney General Augusto Aras to STF Minister Alexandre de Moraes, according to the source.

Aras acknowledged that the head of State disclosed a confidential document, which typifies a possible crime provided for in the Criminal Code and “justifies the need to maintain the investigation.”

As the judge determined, Bolsonaro should have appeared in court on Friday to testify before the Federal Police, but he refrained from doing so, Correio Braziliense stated.

The president later explained that he did not attend the hearing due to a recommendation by Attorney General Bruno Bianco, under the argument that the document who he is accused of leaking “was not a secret.”

Sources from the Attorney General’s Office clarified that the role of that institution is to verify whether there was or there was not a crime and, if proven, to file a criminal action against the President.
