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Russia evacuates over 26 thousand people Donbass in one day

Rusia, evacuación, personas, Ucrania, Donbass
Moscow, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) The head of the National Center for Defense Management, Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev, reported that more than 26,000 people from Ukraine and Donbass arrived in Russia in the last day.

“During the past day, despite the opposition of the Ukrainian authorities, 26,764 people, including 4,624 children, were evacuated to Russian territory from the dangerous areas of Ukraine and the people’s republics of Lugansk and Donetsk,” the official said.

He stated that the total number of evacuees since the beginning of the Russian military operation on Ukrainian territory amounts to 2,718,597 people, including 431,310 minors.

Likewise, Mizintsev confirmed that 437,850 private vehicles crossed the Russian border, 4,767 of which did so in the last 24 hours.

The officer also reported that the authorities of the Russian Federation opened more than 9,500 temporary accommodation centers for refugees and that, in total, the country received 2.76 million requests from people who wish to evacuate.
