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Another wave against US blockade against Cuba to tour the world

Washington, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Miami and 20 other cities in the United States and the world are the scene on Sunday of a new World Caravan against the blockade against Cuba, an initiative by the Bridges of Love movement.

“We are going to demonstrate today that those who love and found are more than those who hate and undo,” activist Carlos Lazo said in a video on Saturday.

Under the title “Attention! Caravan against the Blockade,” the video broadcast on Twitter convened for Sunday morning the participants’ rally at 999 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Coral Gables, in Miami.

The Cubans and US citizens who want a rapprochement and to overcome the differences between our countries “are many more than the hate-filled people,” the Seattle-based professor, leader of the solidarity project, said.

On August 13, during a press briefing in Miami, Lazo rejected the defamations and accusations by far-right Senator Marcos Rubio and all those who try to intimidate the Bridges of Love project.

The recent threats only “fill us with courage,” he said when he anticipated that this caravan would take place “in the same place and with the same people.

We are a peaceful movement, Lazo emphasized, which only wants to lift the blockade.

The demand to President Joe Biden to end the sanctions against Cuba and the unilateral blockade imposed by successive White House administrations, both Democrats and Republicans, is repeated the last weekend of every month.

Bridges of Love is one of the groups that are part of the growing wave of rejection to this hostile policy that has been trying to suffocate the Cubans for more than six decades.
