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Grenada reports record number of tourists in November

Saint George, Dec 30 (Prensa Latina) Grenada reported a record number of tourists in November (14,232), which meant a 17-percent increase compared to the same month in 2019, an official source announced.

The number of holidaymakers rose for the third consecutive month, starting in September, and in December, it is expected to surpass the maximum reached in the same period two years ago, Grenada Tourism Authority CEO Petra Roach said.

In the last quarter of 2022, all international flights to Grenada were resumed, including Air Canada, twice a week, and Sunwing Airlines, on Sundays, from Toronto.

On a regional basis, Caribbean Airlines Limited switched to daily service from the island nation, she explained.

In November, Grenada hosted several important conferences, such as the Annual Ministerial Summit of the Caribbean Examinations Council, the Caribbean Society of Endoscopic Surgeons and the General Assembly of the Caribbean Chambers of Commerce, Roach added.

Another highlight was the second annual Tour Operators’ Market, where executives from the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada met with local hoteliers and agents, she pointed out.

The US market had the highest growth and accounted for 61 percent of total visits, she said and added that this year is expected to end with a 2-percent increase compared to 2019.

Grenada, located in the eastern Caribbean and with a population of a little more than 112,000 inhabitants, opened its ports to tourism in April and devised a strategy focused on connectivity and accessibility.
