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Venezuelan President Maduro outlines Hugo Chavez’s ideas of unity

Caracas, Mar 13 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro noted on Monday that the ideas of unity for liberation and respect for the self-determination of the peoples were the geopolitical flag embraced by Commander Hugo Chavez (1954-2013).

On his Twitter account, Maduro pointed out that this banner, “we, his sons and daughters, carry it today very high.”

A new world is possible, and we are moving forward with determination on that path, the Venezuelan head of State assured.

As part of tributes to the Bolivarian leader ten years after his physical departure, the event “Chavez Communicator: Aló Presidente (Hello President) as a paradigm of political communication” took place over the weekend, with the participation of Minister of Communication and Information Freddy Ñañez and other authorities.

In the opinion of the Venezuelan writer and poet, that television program was the device that contributed to building the Bolivarian Revolution from the communication perspective and whose main objective was to “generate a counteroffensive” to a media war, which already existed.

Ñáñez stated that Chavez created real television out of a deep need to communicate and say something.

He remarked that Aló Presidente resulted to listen to the people, and he created his own style so that while listening to the masses, he also talked about their real problems, it was the “exercise of a revolutionary government in real time,” he said.

The Venezuelan president noted that the so-called Chavez clearly understood that the way to bring about changes was to combine words with actions.

He also reflected on joining the transforming action with a word that would account for the orientation of our actions and their background.

Aló Presidente, was, is and will continue to be, every Sunday, the space where we all gather around a word that does not go extinct to understand the historic perspective of our struggle and to further understand how the situation presents itself to us, Maduro said.
