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Chile reports seventh consecutive increase in unemployment rate

Santiago, Chile, Jun 30 (Prensa Latina) Chile's National Statistics Institute (INE) reported that the unemployment rate in the March-May mobile quarter had an increase of 0.7 points and stood at 8.7 percent.

This is the seventh consecutive quarterly increase in that indicator, after a slight contraction between March and May 2021.

The situation is a little more complex in the Metropolitan Region, where the capital is included and where a good part of the country’s labor force is concentrated, with an unemployment rate of 9.2 percent, which means an increase of 0.9 in one year.

By gender, women remain at disadvantage compared to men in terms of their chances to find jobs.

Women’s unemployment stands at 9.1 percent, while men’s unemployment is at 8.1 percent.

The sectors that provided more jobs in this quarter were health care, commerce and transportation, while the main decreases were reported in waged housework, construction and real estate activities.

The INE reported an increase in informality, with a total of 27.4 percent and, as usual, women represent the largest share in these jobs where wages are low and social security is practically non-existent.
