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India expresses desire to increase trade with Cuba (+Photos)

New Delhi, Aug 9 (Prensa Latina) The director general and CEO of the Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO), Ajay Sahai, on Monday expressed his Government's desire to increase trade with Cuba tenfold.

At a business meeting between delegations from both countries at the FIEO headquarters, which was attended by Ambassador Alejandro Simancas, Sahai also acknowledged the Cuban economy’s huge potential in several sectors, mainly in renewable energy and biotechnology.

The Cuban business people, representing the areas of renewable energies, textiles, mining, steel, solar panels, electrical equipment, among others, talked with their Indian counterparts after the reception in order to identify possible connections that will contribute to the two countries’ benefit.

Headed by Idalberto Perez, director general of Industrial Management at the Ministry of Industries of Cuba, the delegation participated on Tuesday in the India-Cuba Conference, organized by the Indian Economic Trade Organization (IETO).

Numerous representatives of Indian companies from different branches attended the forum and expressed their interest in establishing new partnerships with Cuba.

IETO Chairman Asif Iqbal highlighted the strong ties between India and Cuba and underlined the opportunity to strengthen commercial ties and identify new paths towards that goal.

India and Cuba are historic friends, have excellent political relations due to their similar positions in favor of the peoples of the South, and maintain close contacts with each other at various international forums, such as the United Nations.

Currently, both countries are working to position their economic ties at the same level as their diplomatic relations.
