Monday, January 13, 2025
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Argentine human rights groups advocate for abortion rights

Buenos Aires, Sep 28 (Prensa Latina) Activists, members of social organizations and human rights defenders in Argentina will march in this capital and other cities, on the occasion of the Global Day of Action for Access to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion under the motto "Freedom is ours."

Participants in the mobilizations will also advocate for comprehensive sexual education and dignified lives and strengthen the fight against the right-wing and adjustment policies of the International Monetary Fund.

The member of the group “Ni Una Menos” ( “Not One Less”), Luci Cavallero, explained to the press that the demonstrations should draw attention to the risks of losing the gains made if the right or the extreme right reaches the Presidency in the upcoming general elections on October 22nd. “We will reiterate very important demands for the feminist movement, but we will also support the continuity of public schools, retirements and moratoriums.” She also added that they will advocate for a law on care, and a greater budget to address the needs of the victims of violence.

After a long struggle and massive rallies, Argentina became in 2020 one of the 50 countries that decriminalized abortion in the last three decades.

The Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law was enacted on January 14th, 2021, establishing that women have the right to terminate the pregnancy, up to 14 weeks, without presenting any reason. They can also request medical procedures to terminate pregnancy if it results from a violation or endangers their lives or health.
