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name of Prensa Latina



Social organizations will close Panama if mining contract prospers

Panama City, Oct 15 (Prensa Latina) After several actions for the Government to dismiss a contract signed with Minera Panama, social organizations announced that they will again march to the National Assembly (parliament), but with total closure of several locations.

It will take place if a pact considered unconstitutional in 2017 by the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) is passed to second debate in the Legislative, they specified in the most recent meeting of leaders of the groups that forms the Alianza Pueblo Unido por la Vida (United People for Life Alliance).

Also, the union, teachers, students, and popular organizations of that group announced demonstrations next week in the vicinity of the Comptroller General of the Republic and remain in permanent session to intensify protests if necessary.

Spokespersons of the Alliance, such as Marcos Andrade, Saúl Méndez and Jorge Guzmán, told Prensa Latina that they had previously delivered a letter addressed to the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, in which they explained the reasons for the broad rejection of the agreement with the subsidiary of the Canadian transnational First Quantum, which is detrimental to sovereignty.

In this text it is pointed out that the pact was born with an original transgression, exposed in the ruling of the CSJ five years ago, for having made a direct contract with a foreign company without the due bidding process, which they now reiterate and want to impose on the people.
