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Prosecutor asks for 30-year sentence against Áñez for massacre

La Paz, Oct 23 (Prensa Latina) Bolivia's Attorney General Juan Lanchipa presented on Monday an accusation against former de facto President Jeanine Áñez, former government officials, high-ranking police, and military officers deeply involved in the 2019 Sacaba and Senkata massacres.

During the intervention broadcast live by Bolivia TV, Juan Lanchipa said this decision was taken after completing the first phase of the investigation for those crimes.

Lanchipa claimed his report was based on 450 documentary evidence, 25 expert opinions, 11 technical investigation reports, and 126 interviews with members of the Armed Forces, 30 with police officers, 50 with victims, and eight with officials of the state-run Bolivian Tax Oil Fields (YPFB). Following the judicial decision, Jeanine Áñez´s defense lawyer Luis Guillén filed an appeal, which was rejected.
