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Cuba to boost parliamentary and cooperation ties with Europe (+Photos)

Brussels, Nov 21 (Prensa Latina) The Secretary of the National People's Power Assembly of Cuba, Homero Acosta, on Tuesday concluded an intense work agenda in this capital, where he reiterated Cuba's willingness to strengthen parliamentary ties and cooperation with the European Union (EU).

In the last days of his week-long stay, the Secretary of the Cuban Council of State met with the executive director for the Americas Department at the European External Action Service, Brian Glynn, who received him at the headquarters of the institution.

Acosta updated him on Cuba’s situation and the scenario resulting from the Constitution of the Republic adopted in 2019.

Accompanied by Cuban Ambassador to Belgium and the EU Yaira Jimenez, the lawmaker addressed the challenges of development in the context of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States, a policy that has been intensified to unimaginable limits.

In this regard, he expressed his gratitude for the position of the 27-Member-State bloc against Washington’s blockade, whose extraterritorial nature also affects European companies, banks and citizens.

Glynn, in turn, referred to important moments in bilateral relations, in particular EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell’s visit to Cuba, and the 3rd Summit between the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Brussels in July, which was attended by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel.

In previous days, Acosta and the delegation that accompanies him met with MEPs and political forces from various countries, and with European Parliament Vice Presidents Marc Angel and Pina Picierno.

The meetings stressed the value for the parties of the materialization of the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement signed in 2016 by the EU and Cuba.

Also intense was the bilateral program, which included a meeting with the president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, Els Van Hoof, and with the legislators of that body, André Flahaut and Steven De Vuyst, on Tuesday.

Acosta explained Cuba’s reality and the impact of the US blockade.

The Secretary of Cuba’s National Assembly and Ambassador Jimenez were received by the president of the Parliament of Wallonia, André Frédéric, and exchanged greetings with the president of the Workers Party of Belgium, Raoul Hedebouw.

Other members of the Cuban delegation in Belgium were lawmakers Tamara Valido, chairwoman of the National Assembly’s Services Commission, and Luis Morlote, vice chairman of the Education, Culture, Science, Technology and Environment Commission.
