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Haiti police investigate into brutality over domestic press

Port-au-Prince, Feb 12 (Prensa Latina) Haiti´s General Directorate of the National Police is presently probing into a case of excessive abuse over the press covering revolts opposing Prime Minister Ariel Henry´s administration.

This institution was called by journalists who demand justice for journalist Jean-Marc Jean who lost an eye after being hit in his face by a tear gas bomb on Thursday, February 8.

The National Police Commissioner Garry Desrosiers paid a visit to Jean-Marc Jean admitted at the State University Hospital.

He spoke with Jean-Marc Jean’s mother and family members, and vowed to follow up on this case and to clear up this incident so that justice may be done.

Radio UNI FM, on the other hand, strongly condemned the police brutality over correspondent Love-Marckendy Paul who was physically assaulted on February 7, 2024, by an agent of the Bureau de Lutte contre le Narcotrafic, while covering an anti-government demonstration.

As a result of this police brutality, his work equipment was damaged.

Radio UNI FM urged journalists to be careful on the streets when doing their work, and not to give in to barbarities of anti-democrats nostalgic for the dictatorship, predators of information professionals.

According to the daily Le Facteur Haiti many reporters from online and traditional media were victims of outrages in the exercise of their functions during the recent popular movements to demand the resignation of the de facto Prime Minister, Ariel Henry.
