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Unemployment maintains its upward trend in Chile

Santiago de Chile, Feb 28 (Prensa Latina) The unemployment rate in Chile maintained its growth during the November-January quarter and stood at 8.4 percent, the National Statistics Institute (INE) reported today.

This means an increase of 0.4 points in the last 12 months and it is the 15th time in a row that this has occurred, according to the entity.

The expansion of the unemployment rate in the country was determined by a growth of the working age population above the creation of new sources of work.

As usual, the female sector is the most affected by this problem, with 8.8 percent, while among men the indicator stood at 8.2.

By economic activity, where more job opportunities were presented in the quarter were in the health sector, with 9.7 percentage points; commerce (6.5) and manufacturing industry (4.4).

According to INE’s informative note, the rate of people immersed in the informal market was 27.6 percent, which means a discreet increase of 3 tenths of a point.

This situation includes those who are employed without signing a contract, with irregular working hours and income, and who are outside the protection of the law and the social security system.
