Friday, July 26, 2024
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Pretoria, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) New HIV infections in South Africa have declined in the last few years, a UNAIDS report stated.
Washington, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) Measures taken by countries in 2024 will be decisive in reaching the goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030, UNAIDS explained on Monday.
Havana, May 9 (Prensa Latina) Thinking about a world where AIDS stops being a public health threat is far from being a chimera, as it is a possible goal with the combined action of governments and communities.
Washington, Nov 30 (Prensa Latina) Health agencies on Thursday heaped praise on the key role by communities and civil society in Latin America and the Caribbean in the fight against HIV-AIDS testing, prevention and treatment services.
Luanda, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) Ministers of Health and those responsible for the fight against HIV and AIDS of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are holding their joint meeting today in Angola.
Luanda, Sep 29 (Prensa Latina) About 350,000 Angolan people are HIV/AIDS carriers, according to the Angolan Network of AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Service Organizations (ANASO) President António Coelho.
Santiago de Chile, Aug 1 (Prensa Latina) As many as 5,401 HIV/AIDS cases were reported in Chile in 2023, a figure accounting for a 7% surge over the previous year, according to the Public Health Institute (ISP).
New Delhi, Dec 2 (Prensa Latina) India reduced the annual rate of HIV infection by 46 percent between 2010 and 2021, compared to the world average of 32 percent, the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) revealed.