Sunday, June 02, 2024
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Vietnam-India ties develop solidly, defense ministers agree

Hanoi, Jun 8 (Prensa Latina) Vietnamese Defense Minister Phan Van Giang and his Indian counterpart, Rajnath Singh, agreed here on Wednesday that relations between the two countries have developed solidly, achieving practical results.

Singh arrived in Hanoi for a three-day visit and during the initial meeting with Van Giang, the latter appreciated India’s support for and assistance to Vietnam, especially in the area of personnel training, and credit and assistance packages that the Indian Government grants to the Vietnamese Ministry of Defense.

Upon discussing the implementation of the Vietnam-India Joint Vision Statement for Peace, Prosperity and People, released in December 2020, the two sides agreed to promote collaboration and materialize the signed documents and agreements fully and effectively.

The defense ministers exchanged views on the global and regional realities and issues of common interest, noting that the political situation and stability in the region and the world remain complicated, with the intertwined traditional and non-conventional security challenges.

Van Giang and Singh also demanded that peace, cooperation and development remain the main trend in the world, and reaffirmed the importance to keep peace, stability, security and freedom of maritime and air navigation in the East Sea.

At the end of the meeting, VNA news agency reported, the two ministers signed the Joint Vision Statement on Vietnam-India Defense Partnership towards 2030 and a Memorandum of Understanding on mutual logistics support between the two ministries.

During his stay in Vietnam, Singh will meet with Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, according to press reports.
