Sunday, February 09, 2025
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Venezuela deploys 150 000 combatants in military exercise

Caracas, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) With the participation of 150 000 combatants and in a perfect popular military-police fusion, Venezuela began today the Bolivarian Shield Exercise 2025, which will be extended until tomorrow throughout the national territory.

From Fort Tiuna, in Caracas, the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Nicolas Maduro, declared the beginning of maneuvers that will celebrate a decade in the defense of the right to full and permanent sovereignty.

Maduro stated that today once again flourishes the “powerful popular military-police union, the people of Liberator Simon Bolivar and Commander Hugo Chavez, deployed to guarantee peace, sovereignty, freedom and democracy.”

He affirmed that today they are in peace because they have fought in a preventive way all the threats that have loomed over the country and have managed to perfect to the highest level the defensive system with Venezuelan doctrine, tactics, method and military thinking.

The Strategic Operational Commander of the FANB, General Domingo Hernandez, informed that 150,000 men will participate in the exercise, who will carry out 290 exercises with a logistics that includes naval, air, heavy and light military vehicles, as well as artillery.

The exercise is designed to test the levels of readiness in the comprehensive defense of the armed and unarmed struggle, he said.

Hernandez specified that during the day, all the territorial Comprehensive Defense Management Bodies were activated, which cover the 24 states, the 335 municipalities, the more than one thousand parishes and communes of the whole nation.

The Defense Minister, General in Chief Vladimir Padrino, emphasized that the exercise is being carried out in every territorial space, border, barracks, city and together with the people.
