Friday, July 26, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Buenos Aires, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) The “Territorios en Lucha” front confirmed Thursday to arrange a Friday rally against hunger and the Argentinian Government's austerity measures, in which Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel will participate.
Montevideo, Jun 30 (Prensa Latina) Former President Jose Mujica was among the first Uruguayans casting their vote on Saturday in the internal elections, in which political parties choose their presidential candidates for coming elections on October 27.
La Paz, Feb 25 (Prensa Latina) The ambassador of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) to Bolivia, Ahmed Salem Mohamed Ahmed, highlighted the resistance of his people with their Liberation Army at the forefront against Moroccan occupation forces.
Moscow, Aug 18 (Prensa Latina) The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 220 soldiers, among dead and wounded, in the Donetsk front in the last day, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov informed on Friday.
Montevideo, Jul 27 (Prensa Latina) The Chairman of Uruguay’s Broad Front (Frente Amplio, FA) party, Fernando Pereira, on Thursday described the ties between the peoples of Uruguay and Cuba as imperishable.
Addis Ababa, Oct 25 (Prensa Latina) The government of Ethiopia requested today to several countries of Europe to recognize the criminal activity of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) to help to end the war in the north of the country.
Addis Ababa, Oct 21 (Prensa Latina) Aregawi Berhe, Chairperson of Tigray Democratic Party, on Thursday urged to stop the atrocities committed by the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF), which he accused of depriving Ethiopia of peace and prosperity.
Montevideo, Sept 16 (Prensa Latina) President of Uruguay's national Trade Union Federation PIT-CNT, Fernando Pereira, on Thursday made public that he accepts to run for president of the Broad Front, in the internal election slated for December.
Addis Ababa, Sep 8 (Prensa Latina) Forces from the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) massacred more than 100 civilians in northern Gondar, a city located in Amhara, according to the authorities from that regional Ethiopian state.