Friday, July 26, 2024
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name of Prensa Latina



Brussels, Apr 10 (Prensa Latina) The European Parliament (EP) approved on Tuesday in a mini-session an initiative to strengthen restrictions on both migration policy and granting of political asylum in the region, the capital's television reported on Tuesday.
Guatemala City, Mar 11 (Prensa Latina) Guatemala’s Institute of Migration (IGM) received 157 refugee applications since the beginning of January 2024, of which 82 were approved by the end of February, local press reported on Monday.
Buenos Aires, Mar 8 (Prensa Latina) Members of social, feminist, and human rights organizations are marching to the Argentine Congress on Friday to denounce government policies and while commemorating International Women's Day.
Mexico, Feb 22 (Prensa Latina) Mexican President Manuel Lopez Obrador on Thursday described the United States blockade against Cuba as purely ideological and political charged, while recalling proposals on migration to US President Joe Biden.
Buenos Aires, Feb 21 (Prensa Latina) Argentinian trade union and social organizations rejected on Wednesday the policies of Javier Milei's Government, and confirmed that protests will take place during the next few days.
Brasilia, Jan 26 (Prensa Latina) A total of 2,564 children and adolescents were removed from child labor situations in Brazil in 2023, according to data from the Ministry of Labor and Employment, quoted today by the portal G1.
Santo Domingo, Nov 7 (Prensa Latina) The Dominican Republic's Ambassador to Spain, Juan Bolivar Diaz, called on authorities to stop the hate speech and policies against Haiti after considering that "Dominicans and Haitians must understand each other," the Foreign Ministry informed on Tuesday.
Damascus, Sep 18 (Prensa Latina) The adviser to Syrian President, Bouzeina Shabaan, said on Monday that through the G77+China Summit Cuba managed to unite the countries of the South against the North represented by the United States and Europe.
Addis Ababa, Aug 17 (Prensa Latina) The African Environmental Outlook study was launched today with the aim of formulating national environmental policies for member countries, the Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority said.