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name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Victory of the Sandinista People’s Revolution celebrated in Colombia

Bogota, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) Solidarity, poetry, music and commitments characterized the celebration today in Colombia, of the 44th anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista Popular Revolution in Nicaragua, held at the Gabriel García Márquez Cultural Center.

Members of the diplomatic corps accredited in this country, organizations such as the Colombian Platform of Solidarity with Nicaragua and the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), the Colombian Movement of Solidarity with the Peoples and Governments of ALBA, and others, celebrated the process that overthrew the Somoza dictatorship.

In addition to the exhibition of several videos showing the evolution of the Revolution in Nicaragua, with advances in areas such as health and education, several personalities greeted the anniversary.

Among them, the former senator Victoria Sandino, the member of the House of Representatives for the Comunes party, Luis Alberto Albán, the general secretary of the Ethics Commission of the Indigenous and Social Alternative Movement, John Marín.

In declarations to Prensa Latina, the Nicaraguan ambassador to Colombia, Milagros Urbina, reminded that 44 years ago the people overthrew a cruel dictatorship and now enjoy absolute peace and tranquility.

She assured that her country “has advanced, has grown and has transformed the reality of the Nicaraguan people”, going from being one of the poorest countries in Latin America to being a nation that invests more in areas such as health and food sovereignty.

He pointed out that the coercive measures imposed by foreign powers against the revolutionary process could be a threat, however, the unity of the people and the government, headed by leader Daniel Ortega, overcomes any obstacle.

In response to a question from Prensa Latina, the ambassador welcomed the geopolitical change in the region where most countries are currently governed by progressive and leftist forces.
