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In the first edition of 2022, The Havana Reporter includes topics related to the main challenges Cuba will face this year, as well as the efforts made in different areas to foster the country’s progress. Other issues include economic topics and the results of the recent sessions of the People’s Power National Assembly (Cuban Parliament). Articles about the fight against the pandemic, cultural issues, the victory of young Cuban athletes in the first Pan-American Junior Games, the prospects and progress made by the tourism sector, the victory of Gabriel Boric in the Chilean elections, international campaigns in support of the island amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and the strengthening of the U.S. blockade, are also included in this issue.
The last number of the The Havana Reporter year 2021 includes the homage paid to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution on his fifth anniversary of death, the efforts made in the country to recover the economy in the middle of difficult conditions, the progress of the vaccination process with booster doses and the constant use of the media in the U.S. nonconventional war against the island, among other topics of national interest. The elections in various Latin American countries, the results of the Conference on Climate Change (COP26) held in the United Kingdom and the inauguration of a biotechnological complex at the Mariel Special Development Zone are featured as well, together with pieces about culture, tourism and sports, with emphasis on the 57th Prensa Latina Sports Poll. At the end of this difficult year, the THR staff wishes a very happy 2022 year to all its readers.
Moscow, Nov 23 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas continued today his extensive program of meetings with senior Russian officials and businessmen, to whom he offered a comprehensive explanation of the complex economic situation facing the Caribbean island.
Beijing, Oct 26 (Prensa Latina) Officials from China and the United States on Tuesday ratified that they need to maintain communication and coordination to resolve any discord in the economic-trade aspect and avoid conflicts such as the one initiated in 2018.
The results of the ECLAC Summit recently held in Mexico, the electionsin Argentina, theJoe Biden government’s ungovernability with regards to Cuba and the gradual normalization of education on the island add to other topics of economic, cultural and sport interest.
Also included are the panorama in Haiti, a country devastated by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake shortly after the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, the fresh outbreak of the pandemic in the United States, with epicenter in Florida, the international solidarity with Cuba in the difficult times of COVID-19 and economic restrictions, as well as the Caribbean country's achievements at the recently closed Olympic Games.
Beijing, Aug 3 (Prensa Latina) Chinese technology company Huawei announced today the investment of 100 million dollars over the next three years in emerging companies from Asia-Pacific nations, as part of its strategy to diversify and recover.